Background Checks in Legal Cases

Background checks in legal cases are formidable tools that investigators leverage to unearth critical information. These comprehensive investigations delve deep into an individual’s history, revealing valuable insights that can sway the outcome of a case. Individuals who may be involved in legal matters can include roles such as potential jurors, witnesses, or opposing parties.

In this article, we explore the pivotal role of background checks in legal cases, shedding light on their significance and how they influence the pursuit of justice.

Uncovering hidden motives, assessing credibility, and evaluating past behavior

Background checks in legal cases are instrumental in unveiling hidden motives or agendas that may be at play in a legal case. Additionally, private investigators can use them to assess the credibility of witnesses and individuals involved in other legal proceedings. This process is paramount for an attorney to form a solid case.

Furthermore, legal cases often hinge on past behavior and patterns of conduct. Background checks scrutinize an individual’s history; examining past actions, associations, and activities, thus providing a comprehensive perspective. This is where identifying a relevant individual’s criminal history may come into play.

The active role of background checks extends to identifying any criminal history or convictions that may impact the case. These investigations play a crucial part in revealing relevant criminal records.

How background checks in legal cases help to verify claims and reveal conflicts of interest

With a private investigator performing solid background checks in your legal case, you can actively verify the accuracy of claims made by individuals involved in said cases. Whether it’s verifying employment history, academic credentials, or financial standing, these checks ensure that statements align with reality.

In addition, performing a thorough background check on an individual involved in the case (for instance, the opposition), can provide attorneys with information crucial to identifying any potential conflicts of interest.

That is to say, these checks ensure transparency and help identify situations that may compromise objectivity.

Other benefits background checks can bring to your legal case

The importance of identifying conflicts of interest and motives aside, PIs with experience in background checks bring many more benefits to the table:

  • A complete background check brings with it a holistic view of an individual’s background, encompassing personal, professional, and financial aspects. This comprehensive perspective aids lawyers and investigators in forming a well-rounded understanding.
  • They can also assist with jury selection. Lawyers utilize these checks to assess potential jurors’ backgrounds and identify biases that may affect their impartiality.
  • Due diligence is a fundamental aspect of legal cases, and background checks actively contribute to this process by ensuring that all relevant information is thoroughly examined.
  • The insights garnered through background checks actively influence case strategy. Lawyers and investigators use this information to develop strategies that leverage strengths and exploit weaknesses.

Background checks in legal cases are not passive exercises but active endeavors that yield valuable information essential to the pursuit of justice.

By actively embracing the power of background checks, legal professionals equip themselves with a formidable tool. One that enhances their ability to navigate complex legal matters. These investigations serve as beacons of truth in the quest for justice, ensuring that all relevant information is brought to light.


PI”s Can Assist in Motor Vehicle Cases

In the world of legal proceedings, the acquisition of accurate and comprehensive motor vehicle information is often a critical element in building a strong case. Private investigators are instrumental in this process.

They actively contribute to the gathering of crucial data that can make or break a case. In this article, we’ll explore how PIs play an indispensable role in acquiring motor vehicle information. We’ll be focusing in particular on the context for legal cases and ensuring that justice is served.

The crucial role of accident investigations

Private investigators take center stage in accident investigations, employing their expertise to uncover essential motor vehicle information. Below are some examples of how they go about these:

  • Reconstructing accidents: PIs reconstruct accidents meticulously, determining their cause and the parties at fault.
  • Collecting evidence: They gather a wealth of evidence, including photographs, video footage, and eyewitness statements, to reconstruct events accurately.
  • Assessing contributing factors: PIs examine road conditions, traffic signals, and weather patterns to identify any factors that contributed to the accident.
  • Vehicle information: PIs confirm vehicle registration, ownership details, and maintenance history to establish a comprehensive understanding of the vehicles involved.
  • Recall and defect checks: They also investigate whether the vehicles have any recalls or defects that may have played a role in the incident.

As part of any accident investigation, it’s also important that private investigators conduct background checks on the parties involved in a given traffic accident. These checks often unearth vital information. For instance:

  • Driving histories: Private investigators scrutinize driving records for previous traffic violations, DUI convictions, or accidents.
  • Criminal records: They check for any criminal records that may be relevant to the case, shedding light on the character of those involved.
  • Insurance fraud: PIs search for evidence of insurance fraud or fraudulent claims in past incidents.

Vehicle information and witness coordination

PIs are also skilled in tracking down witnesses, documenting testimonies, and assessing their credibility. Surveillance is another potent tool they employ to discreetly monitor activities related to motor vehicle incidents. Cases involving insurance claims or fraud benefit from this significantly. In addition to witnesses, PIs are also effective at coordinating expert witnesses who can prove vital in the process of motor vehicle information acquisition.

PIs locate and collaborate with experts, such as accident reconstruction specialists or automotive engineers to prepare them for deposition and trial testimony.

Furthermore, private investigators have access to databases and records containing crucial motor vehicle information. They can verify vehicle registration, ownership details, and maintenance history to establish a comprehensive understanding of the vehicles involved. In fact, they can also investigate recalls or defects that may have played a role in the incident.

Aside from their investigative responsibilities, PIs also ensure that all their activities and investigations comply with federal and state laws. This, of course, includes privacy and data protection regulations.

Overall, private investigators can be a vital asset in any case involving motor vehicle information or a vehicular incident.

Infidelity Cases and Private Investigators

Infidelity cases are emotionally charged and complex, often entwined in divorce proceedings. In fact, these services are among some of the most requested for private investigators.

When infidelity becomes a factor in a divorce, private investigators play a pivotal role in assisting attorneys. Their expertise in uncovering evidence and gathering critical information can be instrumental in ensuring a fair and equitable resolution. This article explores the role of private investigators in divorce cases where infidelity is a central issue, with a particular focus on their contributions to the legal process.

Evidence, locating assets and witnesses

Private investigators are tasked with the critical mission of gathering concrete evidence of infidelity. They employ various investigative techniques, including surveillance, to document suspicious activities and interactions.

Gathering this evidence may include photographs, video recordings, witness statements, and digital communications that provide clear and irrefutable proof of infidelity.

In divorce cases involving infidelity, the disposition of marital assets can be a contentious issue. Private investigators assist attorneys by tracking down hidden or undisclosed assets that may have been used to facilitate the affair or protect personal wealth. By conducting asset searches and financial investigations, they ensure a fair distribution of property in accordance with legal requirements.

Witness interviews are crucial:

Private investigators play a critical role in locating and interviewing witnesses who may have knowledge of the infidelity.

These witnesses may include friends, family members, or individuals with whom the unfaithful spouse had relationships. Witness statements can corroborate the evidence and provide context to strengthen the case. Furthermore, witnesses can corroborate alibis and timelines.

To establish a strong legal case, private investigators verify alibis and timelines presented by the unfaithful spouse. Their meticulous investigation may uncover inconsistencies or discrepancies that cast doubt on the credibility of the alibi. This scrutiny can be essential in challenging the opposing party’s narrative.

Coordinating with Attorneys

Private investigators work closely with divorce attorneys to ensure that the gathered evidence is admissible in court. They assist in crafting legal strategies and providing the necessary documentation to support the client’s case. This collaborative effort between investigators and attorneys is crucial for presenting a compelling argument in court.

Maintaining the integrity of evidence is paramount in infidelity cases. Together, attorneys and private investigators adhere to strict protocols to preserve the chain of custody for all collected evidence. This ensures that the evidence remains legally valid and admissible during divorce proceedings.

Other responsibilities PIs may need to uphold:

  • Court proceedings may require private investigators to testify as expert witnesses.
  • They present their findings and provide expert opinions on the evidence gathered.
  • This testimony can be persuasive in substantiating claims of infidelity and supporting the client’s position.

Infidelity cases in divorce proceedings demand a thorough and professional approach to uncover the truth and protect the interests of the aggrieved party. Private investigators serve as invaluable allies to attorneys. They offer expertise in evidence gathering, asset tracking, witness interviews, and alibi verification.

Their contributions extend to the courtroom, where their testimony can play a decisive role in the legal process.

In navigating the complexities of infidelity cases, private investigators help attorneys build a compelling case that addresses the emotional, financial, and legal aspects of divorce. With their support, clients can pursue equitable settlements and seek closure, allowing them to move forward with their lives.


Elder Abuse, Signs and Indicators


> physical actions
> coercion, bullying
> physical restraint
> locking up in a room
> confining to chair or bed
> hitting, slapping, burning, pushing,
punching, pinching, biting, arm
twisting, cutting, hair pulling.





> carer/relative – overly protective or controlling, conflicting stories, delay in seeking care or reporting an injury, does not leave person unattended, older person described as ‘accident prone’ or having a history of sustaining injuries
> physical – injuries in different stages of healing, broken bones, sprains, or dislocations, abrasions, welts, rashes, blisters, lacerations, swelling, signs of
being restrained, weight loss, hair loss, poor hygiene
> arousal – lack of awareness, drowsiness, vagueness,
confusion, sleepiness
> behavioral – cringing or acting fearful, agitation,
catatonia, frequent requests for care or treatment for
minor conditions, unexplained anger, fear or shutting
down behavior around the carer or relative.


> forgery
> stealing
> forced changes to a will
> unusual transfers of money or
> withholding of funds from the older
> incurring debts for which the older
person is responsible
> failure of others to repay monies
> lack of financial information
provided to an older person by
their Power of Attorney



> unpaid bills, inability of the older person to pay for
> defaulting on payments (e.g. rent, service fees)
> missing documents
> credit cards or personal belongings and unusual
activity in bank accounts
> changes to a will or other documents when appearing
incapable or subject to possible coercion
> confusion regarding assets property and income
> being accompanied by another person when
attending financial institutions or using ATM and the
other person is reluctant to allow a conversation with
the older person regarding transactions
> being overcharged for repairs or services, overdrawn
or depleted accounts.


> pressuring, intimidating or bullying
> name-calling, degrading or
> threatening to harm the person,
other people or pets
> verbal abuse, insults or harsh
> silencing and emotional blackmail
> talking about not coping as a carer
> repeatedly telling an older person
they have dementia, are a burden
or unwanted
> treating the person like a child




Behaviors may fluctuate, and may show improvement
temporarily around some people, reverting back when
abuser returns.
> depression, sadness, tearfulness
> confusion, disorientation
> social isolation and withdrawal
> feeling helpless and ashamed
> insomnia, unexplained paranoia
> fearfulness, intimidation, nervousness, anxiety
> marked passivity, reluctance to make decisions,
> changes in self-esteem, lack of confidence
> anger, frustration
> rocking behavior
> changes in behavior around the abuser
> apathy, listlessness.


> restricting, stopping or
discouraging social contact with
others such as family or friends
> preventing, stopping or restricting
activities – either in the
community, or residential aged
care facility
> withholding mail
> prohibiting, preventing access or
not disclosing phone calls
> listening in to calls
> restricting participation in religious
or cultural practices.


> loss of interaction with others
> sadness and grief of people not visiting
> worried or anxious after a particular visit by specific
> appears shamed
> low self-esteem, or is very sad
> withdrawn
> passive (not wanting to participate; listless,
> repeated unanswered phone messages.


> lack of social, cultural, intellectual
or physical stimulation
> lack of nutrition, accommodation,
clothing, medical or dental care
> lack of safety precautions or
supervision, injuries that have not
been properly cared for
> inappropriate medication
> repeated justifications or excuses
for older person’s absence or not
returning messages.


Observations of neglect can be camouflaged by overly
attentive behavior in the company of others. Signs include:
> inadequate nutrition, accommodation, clothing,
> inadequate medical or dental care
> poor personal hygiene and skin integrity, exposure to unsafe, unhealthy, unsanitary conditions
> malnourishment and unexplained weight loss
> hypothermia or overheating
> the person left alone or unattended for long periods.


> physical actions – rape, sexual
assault, indecent assault, sexual
> non-physical actions – obscene
language or viewing obscene
material or making obscene phone
calls in the presence of the older
person without their consent.







> physical – unexplained bruising, sexually transmitted diseases, infections, internal injuries, frequent
incontinence, difficulty walking, human bite marks, scratches, bruises, pain on touching, choke marks on
throat, burn marks, injury to face, neck, chest, abdomen, thighs or buttocks, trauma, including
bleeding around the genitals, chest, rectum or mouth, torn or stained clothing
> arousal – lack of awareness, drowsiness, vagueness,
> behavioral – fearfulness, agitation, disturbed sleep, withdrawal, lack of awareness
> medical – similar to physical
> carer/relative – overly protective or controlling, conflicting stories, attends appointments with older person, does not leave the older person unattended,
requests behavior that may be unusual


inappropriate use (underuse or
overuse) of prescribed medication
> failure to provide or supervise
> taking prescriptions or dispensed
medications for addiction or
financial gain
> If the carer is a substance abuser,
he/she may be giving drugs or
alcohol to the older person.



> over-sedation, reduced physical or mental activity, grogginess or confusion
> reduced or absent therapeutic response to prescribed treatment may be the result of under- medication, or failure to fill prescriptions
> pills scattered about may be signs of inappropriate use of drugs, medications and/or alcohol
> medical – reports of drug overdose, prescription medication missing or not taken, poor management of medical conditions, repeated accident or
emergency department presentation, frequent falls


Five Common Cases Private Investigators Handle

 Background Checks

Many private investigators offer background checks with their list of services. Background checks examine a person’s history, and may reveal critical information, such as a person’s criminal history, credit, address history, professional history and social connections. A background check may be used for employment purposes or acceptance into a housing complex. Background checks may also be conducted when a person gets romantically involved with another person and wants to check if he or she has any skeletons in the closet. More robust background checks may be used to help provide security clearance to an individual.


A primary reason why someone may hire a private investigator is to have this person conduct surveillance on a target. A person may require surveillance if he or she believes another person is trying to harm him or her, such as checking for a stalker or an abusive ex. Surveillance may also be ordered in civil investigations, such as when an insurance company is attempting to acquire evidence about a person who alleges a serious injury. Cases may involve workers’ compensation, personal injury, corporate fraud, infidelity suspicions and others.

Family Law Matters

Another common reason to hire a private investigator is for a family law matter. Private investigators may be hired in order to gather evidence to use in a civil trial, such as a divorce or child custody battle. They may also be hired to help find a missing person or relocate adopted family members. Private investigators are often used in the divorce context for purposes such as locating hidden assets in a divorce or finding assets if a parent owes child support or spousal support. If a person is receiving alimony, his or her ex-spouse may hire a private investigator to see if the spouse is living with a new romantic partner if this is grounds to terminate spousal support.

Infidelity Investigations

Private investigators may be contacted to investigate suspicions of a cheating spouse. Infidelity investigations are often requested because a person does not know whether a spouse is cheating or not and wants an objective person to conduct surveillance and an investigation to determine if the person’s partner is being unfaithful. Often, a person must witness infidelity with his or her own eyes to believe that a partner is unfaithful. He or she may be reassured frequently of faithfulness only to confirm the opposite.

Various Investigations

Private investigators must often investigate a variety of cases. These investigations are often diverse in nature. Some investigations may involve insurance companies, including car, home, workers’ compensation and life insurance. These investigators may be able to find information that would otherwise go unknown. Investigators may find that people have committed insurance fraud or are attempting to sabotage a business partner or shareholder.

Other cases may involve a close scrutiny of business practices or looking into domestic helpers for abuse or theft. Corporate investigations may look into the legitimacy of a business partner, the loss of information and how it occurred or what people are saying about an owner behind his or her back.

How Private Investigators Work

Private investigators often use a variety of tools to help aid in their investigations. They may use special databases only available to law enforcement or investigators. They may check social media outlets for information concerning a fugitive’s whereabouts or to find someone to conduct process service. They may interview a person’s neighbors and colleagues to conduct a thorough investigation. They may also review electronic and printed documents to locate assets, perform skip traces or to uncover new information. Surveillance may be used to try to keep track of a subject’s movements and transactions.

In addition to finding information, private investigators may assist in other ways. They may provide reports that indicate the type of information found. They may provide photographs or video surveillance. They may testify at court hearings as to what they observed.

Contact a Private Investigator

For more information on how private investigators operate, contact a private investigator in your area. He or she can explain the role of private investigators and the tools that may be utilized to aid in the investigation. He or she can also explain whether the private investigator can complete the type of work that is being requested.

Why to Hire a Private Investigator

Licensed private investigators have the capability to complete assignments issued by a client, perform surveillance for extended periods and detect and reveal information that may be hidden or unavailable through a usual search. The act of capturing video of a subject may also cause the person or organization to discover they are being recorded. This may then lead to either complications in surveillance or legal action to cease the activity. If the person was perpetrating illegal actions, he or she may then stop doing so until certain that video is not recording these acts. Many private investigators are trained enough in recording a subject so that he or she is unaware of it.

When investigations initiate for relatives or friends, it is important to ensure the parties are within legal compliance so that violations of the law do not occur with any local, state or federal regulations governing licensed private investigators in these situations. If these offenses affect the individual, there are extensive fines that usually cause a significant financial burden along with some jail time in certain instances. It is vital that the professional hired has experience. These contracted investigators provide the greatest amount of safety to clients when taking on a case. This means they are able to handle themselves, are dedicated to the client and attempt to remain hidden at all times.

Skills, Talent and Cost

The training a hired professional has completed usually provides him or her with the skill and talent to use the services acquired for a variety of fields. When the individual must investigate medical, military, financial, relationship and even legal areas, they often have the knowledge and skills to ensure the correct information has been obtained. The quality of service far outweighs the costs when a professional is needed to investigate a subject for someone. This means to hire a quality private investigator; the client usually pays more for services. A greater amount of experience usually means that the PI commits to providing results to his or her client.

Legal Entanglements with Investigations

It is vital that a private investigator be hired for experience and the quality of his or her skills. This translates to testifying in court with abundance so that he or she is equipped to deal with these situations better than someone that charges less for his or her services. He or she will appear professional, have a clean and groomed appearance and be clear and concise when detailing the information, he or she provides.

Private Investigators are usually licensed in multiple states and tested to ensure they have a valid certification. When the individual is of a higher caliber than another with less experience or knowledge, he or she is better at informing the client of information, complications and issues that may arise. This also means that the PI is able to inform the person that hired him or her about any legal issues that may be entangled with the investigation such as violations due to surveillance laws, invasion of privacy, illegal recordings and similar concerns. It is best to hire a private investigator when a search or research is necessary and video recording someone or an entity is better left with the professional that has performed the action for hundreds if not thousands of hours.

Security cameras can tell burglars when you’re not home, study shows

Some popular home security cameras could allow would-be burglars to work out when you’ve left the building, according to a study published Monday. Researchers found they could tell if someone was in, and even what they were doing in the home, just by looking at data uploaded by the camera and without monitoring the video footage itself.

The international study was carried out by researchers from Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) and the Chinese Academy of Science, using data provided by a large Chinese manufacturer of Internet Protocol (IP) security cameras.

Cameras like these allow users to monitor their homes remotely via a video feed on the internet, but the researchers say the traffic generated by the devices can reveal privacy-compromising information.

Popular security cameras such as those manufactured by Nest (pictured here) present the same privacy risk.

Study author Gareth Tyson from QMUL told CNN that data uploads of the unencrypted data increase when a camera is recording something moving, so an attacker could tell if the camera was uploading footage of someone in motion, and even different types of motion like running or sitting.

The risk is that “someone who is specifically targeting an individual household rocks up outside with a device to try and start passively monitoring traffic,” he said.

Tyson told CNN that an attacker would require a decent level of technical knowledge to monitor the data themselves, but there is a chance that someone could develop a program that does so and sell it online.

Noting that he hasn’t seen any direct evidence of this kind of attack taking place, he said one potential use would be if someone wanted to burgle your house.

“They monitor the camera traffic over an extended period of time, and by looking at the patterns that are generated by those cameras over maybe a week, they then start predicting the following week when you’re most likely to be in the house,” he said.

In order to reduce the privacy risk, companies could randomly inject data into their systems to make it harder for attackers to spot a pattern, he said.

A hacker accessed a family Ring security camera and told their 8-year-old daughter he was Santa Claus

A hacker accessed a family’s Ring security camera and told their 8-year-old daughter he was Santa Claus. Tyson said the team are trying to extend their research to work out how to maintain camera performance while reducing privacy risks.

At present, cameras are “fairly stupid items” in order to keep manufacturing costs down, said Tyson, uploading data whenever motion is detected.

“What we want to do is have a more intelligent system that allows the camera to understand what that motion is, assess the level of risk, and only upload it and alert the user in a case where the camera feels that it’s worthy doing,” he said.

For example, someone who owns a cat probably doesn’t want to be alerted every time the camera detects the animal walking around, but they would certainly want to know if a human intruder were spotted.

Tyson said this is the first study to investigate the risks posed by video streaming traffic generated by the cameras.

The global market for the devices is expected to be worth $1.3 billion by 2023, according to the press release. Popular brands include Xiaomi and Nest, which is owned by Google.

While the study authors did not analyze data from those brands, they did find that their cameras present the same privacy risk. CNN has reached out to Nest and Xiaomi for comment on the research.

The study was published at the IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, which brings together researchers in networking and related field.

Hacker leaks passwords for more than 500,000 servers, routers, and IoT devices

A hacker has published this week a massive list of Telnet credentials for more than 515,000 servers, home routers, and IoT (Internet of Things) “smart” devices.

The list, which was published on a popular hacking forum, includes each device’s IP address, along with a username and password for the Telnet service, a remote access protocol that can be used to control devices over the internet.

According to experts to who ZDNet spoke this week, and a statement from the leaker himself, the list was compiled by scanning the entire internet for devices that were exposing their Telnet port. The hacker then tried using (1) factory-set default usernames and passwords, or (2) custom, but easy-to-guess password combinations.

These types of lists — called “bot lists” — are a common component of an IoT botnet operation. Hackers scan the internet to build bot lists and then use them to connect to the devices and install malware.

These lists are usually kept private, although some have leaked online in the past, such as a list of 33,000 home router Telnet credentials that leaked in August 2017. To our knowledge, this marks the biggest leak of Telnet passwords known to date.

Data leaked by a DDoS service operator

As ZDNet understands, the list was published online by the maintainer of a DDoS-for-hire (DDoS booter) service.

When asked why he published such a massive list of “bots,” the leaker said he upgraded his DDoS service from working on top of IoT botnets to a new model that relies on renting high-output servers from cloud service providers.

All the lists the hacker leaked are dated October-November 2019. Some of these devices might now run on a different IP address or use different login credentials.

ZDNet did not use any of the username and password combos to access any of the devices, as this would be illegal — hence we are unable to tell home many of these credentials are still valid.

Using IoT search engines like BinaryEdge and Shodan, ZDNet identified devices all over the world. Some devices were located on the networks of known internet service providers (indicating they were either home router or IoT devices), but other devices were located on the networks of major cloud service providers.

Danger remains

An IoT security expert (who wanted to remain anonymous) told ZDNet that even if some entries on the list are not valid anymore because devices might have changed their IP address or passwords, the lists remain incredibly useful for a skilled attacker.

Misconfigured devices are not evenly spread out across the internet, but they’re usually clustered on the network of one single ISP due to the ISP’s staff misconfiguring the devices when deploying them to their respective customer bases.

An attacker could use the IP addresses included in the lists, determine the service provider, and then re-scan the ISP’s network to update the list with the latest IP addresses.